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Program DetailsPhone: (780) 407-8346Fax: (780) 407-8203Chairman: KC Petruk, MD, PhD (Divisional Director)Assistant: Susan Murraysusan.murray3@albertahealthservices.ca
Program DirectorCian O'Kelly, MD, MSc, FRCSCProgram DirectorCian.OKelly@albertahealthservices.ca
AddressUniversity of Alberta Department of Neurosurgery2D WMC, 8440-112 StreetEdmonton, AB T6G 2B7Canada
Program CoordinatorKirsten Bauerkirsten.bauer@albertahealthservices.ca(780) 407-1591
Program DetailsPhone: (403) 944-4496Fax: (403) 283-5559Chairman: Rajiv Midha, MD, FRCSAssistant Email:patti.sullivan@ucalgary.ca
Program DirectorR. John Hurlbert, MD, PhD, FACS, FRCSCProgram Directorjhurlber@ucalgary.ca
AddressUniversity of Calgary Foothills Hospital Division of Neurosurgery1403-29th Street, NW, 12th FloorCalgary, AB T2N 2T9Canada
Program CoordinatorPatti Sullivanpatti.sullivan@ucalgary.ca
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