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  • Guideline Procedures & Policies

  • As a leader in education and innovation, the CNS recognizes high-quality, evidence-based guidelines as a critical tool to confront a rapidly changing health care environment.

    “Clinical practice guidelines are statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options.”

    The CNS has an in-house infrastructure to promote and support the creation and methodological processes to produce evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, in partnership with the AANS/CNS joint specialty sections, who will continue to provide the scientific content experts fundamental to quality guidelines formulation.

    The CNS provides varying levels of support for guideline development, including:

    • Idea refinement
    • Multidisciplinary task force group creation
    • Evidence tables development
    • Librarian and methodological support
    • Grading criteria for levels of evidence and recommendations
    • Writing assistance
    • Peer review by the AANS/CNS Joint Guidelines Committee
    • Publication logistics assistance with Neurosurgery®
  • The AANS, CNS and Joint Guideline Committee recommend that clinical practice guideline development rely on the following methodology based on previously published AANS- and CNS-endorsed evidence-based reviews.

    Read the Methodology

    The CNS Guidelines Committees will consider topics at the CNS Annual Meeting in the fall.

    Nominate a guideline topic

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