Congress of Neurological Surgeons Members are the
Center of the Neurosurgery Community
Don't miss out on these great resources, and more, developed for your success!
Online Education Subscription - Stay informed on advances in practice and fulfill your CME requirements from the convenience of your home or office. With the CNS’ NEW Online Education Subscription, access $7,500 worth of online education for a low monthly or annual fee.
Discounts on CNS Courses, Exam Prep, and More - From subspecialty- focused courses to Oral Board prep to the CNS Annual Meeting, CNS has you covered!
Get Involved - Become a leader with the CNS and make your mark on neurosurgery.
CNS Guidelines - Stay up to date on best practices for your surgical approach. The CNS proudly leads, promotes, and supports the creation and methodological processes to produce evidence-based Guidelines - critical tools to confront a rapidly changing healthcare environment.
Complimentary and savings on journal subscriptions - Members receive free or heavily discounted journal subscriptions to stay on the cutting edge of neurosurgery.
CNS+ app - Carry CNS and its compendium of resources in the palm of your hand. CNS+ gives you an access pass to CNS Guidelines and CNS education all in one convenient place!
Career Development - Access an assortment of opportunities to take your career to the next level.
Curated Member Dashboard - The CNS Member dashboard puts important information at your fingertips. Obtain content created especially for you on your Member Dashboard. Based on your selected subspecialties you will receive tailored recommendations of articles, courses, and guidelines. Track your activities such as donations, meeting participation, and even CME tracking.