Attendees exploring Publisher's Row in the Exhibit Hall
Attendees trying out products in the Exhibit Hall
Camaraderie at the Intenational Reception
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and Catherine Wolfla at the Past President's Dinner
1st Place Resident SANS Challenge Winners from Jackson Memorial Hospital/Jackson Health System, Ramsey Ashour and Jeremiah Johnson
Attendees in the Exhibit Hall
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla handing over the gavel to President-Elect Dr. Ali R. Rezai
2nd Place Resident SANS Challenge Winners from National Capital Consortium, Michael Cirivello and George Rymarczuk
Hideyuki Kano, Integra Foundation Award Recipient
Attendees during a Luncheon Seminar lecture
Dr. Ashwini D. Sharan, Dr. Ali R. Rezai, Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and Dr. Alan M. Scarrow
Charles Teo, Brainlab Community Neurosurgery Award Recipient
Attendees during a Luncheon Seminar
3rd Place Resident SANS Challenge Winners from University of Colorado, David Shafer and Marlin Richardson
Ian F. Pollack, National Brain Tumor Society Mahaley Clinical Research Award Recipient
Saniya, S. Godil, Ronald Tasker Award Recipient
Miriam Nuno, Galbraith Award Recipient
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla an Dr. Gerald R. Rodts, Jr. at the Past President's Dinner
President-Elect Dr. Ali R. Rezai
Kyle Michael Fargen, Sam Hassenbusch Young Neurosurgeon Award Recipient
Pascal O. Zinn, Journal of Neuro-Oncology Award Recipient
Attendees during a General Scientific Session
Dr. Ashwini D. Sharan, Dr. Ali R. Rezai, Ray Kurzweil , Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and Dr. Alan M. Scarrow
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and family
Oren Sagher, Distinguished SANS Award Recipient
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and family at the President's Reception and the Museum of Science and Industry
Attendee interaction during the Neurosurgical Forum
Attendees collaborating at the International Reception
Raymond L.M. Yong, American Brain Tumor Association Young Investigator Award Recipient
Dr. Ralph G. Dacey, Jr, Honored Guest, and family
View from a distance in the Neurosurgical Forum session
Attendees during the General Scientific Session in Arie Crown Theater
Attendees during the Neurosurigcal Forum
Dr. Ali R. Rezai presenting Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla with an award for Dedicated Service as the CNS President
Preliminary Rounds of the Resident SANS Challenge
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla, Dr. P. David Adelson, Dr. and Mrs. Ganesh Rao and Mrs. Wolfla at the Past President's Dinner
Shih-Shan Lang, Preuss Award Recipient
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and family at the Past President's dinner
Dr. Martin Sames, Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and Eduard Zverina at the International Reception
Incoming Executive Committee
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla at the President's Reception and the Museum of Science and Industry
CNS Member Services Booth - Think Ahead and Become a CNS Member
Dr. Nathan R. Selden and Dr. Stephen M. Papadopoulos at the Past President's Dinner
Attendees during a session
Hands-on Simulation Course
Gillian Harrison, Stryker Neuro-Oncology Award Recipient
Attendees at the International Reception
Anne G. Osborn, MD John Thompson History of Medicine Lecturer
Geoff Colvin, Special Lecturer
Ryan Morton, Synthes Cerebrovascular Award Recipient
Dr. Donald O. Quest and Dr. Ralph G. Dacey, Jr. at the Past President's Dinner
Attendees during a Consensus Session
Joel D. MacDonald, Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla and Dr. Nicholas Bambakidis
Resident SANS Challenge Winners and the SANS Challenge Organizers
Dr. Gale England receiving the award on behalf of her late husband, Christopher C. Getch, Founders' Laurel Recipient
Dr. Christopher E. Wolfla, wife and kids at the Past President's dinner
Maya A. Babu, Julius Goodman Resident Award Recipient
Attendees reviewing Neurosurgical Forum posters
Roy W.R. Dudley, Sherry Apple Resident Travel Scholarship Recipient
Dr. Ali R. Rezai and Dr. Nelson M. Oyesiku at the Past President's Dinner
Networking during the Resident Recruitment Social