Crowd at the Opening Reception
Featured Supplement Signing with David G. Kline, MD
Audience during a Special Course
2009 CNS Resident SANS Challenge Champions
Dr. P. David Adelson handing gavel to Dr. Gerald E. Rodts, Jr.
AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care: Synthes Award for Resident Research on Spinal Cord and Spinal Column Injury - Christophe A. Iannotti, MD, PhD
Crowd entering the Exhibit Hall
2009 CNS Honored Guest - James T. Rutka, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS, FAAP
Audience during a Special Course
3D Cadaveric Demonstration - Audience
CNS Resident SANS Challenge - Final Round
Book signing with Special Lecturer Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Audience during the General Scientific Session
AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care: Synthes Award for Resident Research on Brain and Craniofacial Injury - Samit Satish Mehta, MD
CSNS Julius Goodman Resident Award - Joseph Chia Yu Hsieh, MD, MBA, MPH, MS
Audience during the General Scientific Session
Book Signing with Walter Isaacson, 2009 Walter E. Dandy Orator
CNS Distinguished Service Award - Think First Foundation
CSNS Sam Sam Hassenbusch Young Neurosurgeon Award - Gregory Murad, MD
AANS/CNS Section on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Resident Award - Timothy Lucas, MD
Audience in Special Course I
Audience during a Consensus Session.
Audience during the Neurosurgical Forum
AANS/CNS Section on Pain - H. Isaac Chen, MD
Demonstration during the Neurosurgical Forum
Book Signing with Terry Orlick, Michael L.J. Apuzzo Special Lecturer on Creativity and Innovation
Interaction with the audience during a Special Course
Fourth Annual John Thompson History of Medicine Lecturer - Peter Agre, MD
Crowd at the CNS Member Services Booth
AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Integra Foundation Award - Gabriel Zada, MD
Resident Recruitment Social
Michael L.J. Apuzzo Special Lecturer on Creativity and Innovation - Terry Orlick, PhD
Resident Recruitment Social
Audience during the Neurosurgical Forum
CNS Resident Award - Thomas Santarius
Fourth Annual John Thompson History of Medicine Lecturer - Peter Agre, MD
Founders Laurel Recipient - L. Nelson Hopkins, III
3D Cadaveric Demonstration - Stage
Walter E. Dandy Orator - Walter Isaacson