The FIENS/Integra Foundation Fellowship - Nguyen Kim Chung, MD
CNS Annual Resident Award - John A. Cowan, Jr., MD
The Elekta/Lars Leksell International Fellowship - Gordon T. Sakamoto, MD
The CNS/Depuy Spine Clinical Fellowship - John H. Chi, MD
Special Lecturer - Ron McKay, PhD
Special Lecturer - Judah Folkman, MD
CSNS Resident Award - Lewis Thorne, FRCS
Dr. Richard Ellenbogen handing gavel to Dr. Douglas Kondziolka.
The CNS/Synthes Fellowship in Spinal Neurosurgery - Sharad Rajpal, MD
The Third Annual CNS Founders' Laurel - Albert L. Rhoton, Jr., MD
Michael L.J. Apuzzo Lecturer on Creativity and Innovation - George Lucas
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Resident Award - Sheng-Tzung Tsai, MD
Debut of the CNS Resident SANS Challenge Winners
The AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Integra Foundation Award - Manish K. Aghi
The AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Preuss Residents Research Award - James Waldron, MD
WINS Special Lecture -Celia Sandys
Ronald Tasker Award - Stacey C. Quintero Wolfe, MD
CNS Exceptional and Distinguished Service Award - CNS Auxiliary
The AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Young Investigator Award - Clark C. Chen, MD, PhD
Technical Neurosurgical Masters demonstrate live 3-D Surgical Approaches.
Special Lecturer - Donald C. Johanson, PhD
2006 Honored Guest - Peter M. Black, MD, PhD, FACS
Live 3-D Cadaveric Demonstrations.
To George Lucas with Great Appreciation from the Congress of Neurological Surgeons
2006 Auxiliary Luncheon with Celia Sandys.
First Annual John Thompson History of Medicine Lecturer - Michael Bliss, PhD
The AANS/CNS Section on Tumors BrainLab Community Neurosurgery Award - Alfred P. Bowles, Jr., MD
The CNS Cushing Clinical Fellowship - Eric C. Leuthardt, MD
The James Garber Galbraith Award - Motoshi Sawada, MD
The CNS Wilder Penfield Clinical Investigation Fellowship - Eric S. Stiner, MD
The AANS/CNS Section on Cerebrovascular Galbraith Award - Motoshi Sawada, MD
The George Ablin International Fellowship - Miroslav J. Vukic, MD
The AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Mahaley Clinical Research Award - David Mathieu, MD, FRCS(C)
The George Ablin International Fellowship - Ashok K. Gupta, MD
Kenichiro Sugita International Fellowship - Jean Goncalves de Oliveira, MD
The Joint Meeting with the Congress of Neurological Surgeons and the German Society of Neurosurgery and the German Academy of Neurosurgery.
Special Lecturer - David Sretavan, MD, PhD
Seventh Annual Walter E. Dandy Orator - David McCullough
The CNS Michael L.J. Apuzzo Lecturer on Creativity and Innovation - George Lucas