Scenes from the circus show on Wednesday's evening reception
Dr. Mitchel Berger at the podium
Stephen J. Haines passing gavel to Marc R. Mayberg
John M. Thompson - 1996 CNS Distinguished Service Award Winners with Stephen J. Haines, 1995 CNS President
John M. Thompson - 1996 CNS Distinguished Service Award Winners
Jennifer Plombon and Stephen J. Haines
Janet and Dr. Hunt Batjer
Dr. William Friedman and Ransom Friedman
Dr. Stephen J. Haines and Dr. Paul Nelson
Peter J. Jannetta, Honored Guest at the podium
Historical Prison, Montreal - site for Past President's Dinner
Dr. Gerrard and Christian Mohr
Opening Reception - photo collage
Ice dancers at the Opening Reception
CNS Logo on the ice arena at the Bell Amphitheater
Dr. Marc Mayberg at the podium
Past Presidents Gathering
Dr. James Gay and Lillian Gay
Issam Awad, 2001 CNS Past President with John M. Thompson, CNS Past Historian and 1970 Past President
Peter J. Jannetta, Honored Guest with Stephen J. Haines, President
Drs William Chandler and John M. Thompson
1995-1996 Executive Comittee
Steve Papadopoulos on ice during the Opening Reception