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  • Neurosurgery Publications Industry Open Access Fund

    Neurosurgery Practice, the official open access journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, invites your organization to participate in the newly formed Neurosurgery Publications Industry Open Access Fund. The Fund will support the publication of high-quality, high-impact articles in Neurosurgery Practice.

    Neurosurgery Practice is a gold-open access journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), published in partnership with Wolters Kluwer. Neurosurgery Practice publishes scientific articles, both clinical and experimental, from across the neurosurgical subspecialties including but not limited to vascular, spine, and tumor. Neurosurgery Practice features clinical research, reviews, case instructions, and other information of interest to neurosurgeons. Neurosurgery Practice strives to be inclusive and representative of the multidisciplinary nature of the specialty demonstrated by its diverse Editorial Board. All Neurosurgery Practice articles publish under a Creative Commons license and are freely accessible worldwide.

    Neurosurgery Practice’s philosophy is that scientific advances and new therapeutic and surgical techniques should be available to the whole world not just to those who can afford a subscription fee or who have access to a medical library. As an official publication of the CNS, the journal provides outreach and access for the specialty and seeks contributions from a diverse group of authors and readers.

    As an open access journal, Neurosurgery Practice is supported through Article Processing Charges (APCs). Neurosurgery Practice offers modest APCs with discounts granted to members of CNS. For funded research, APCs are often covered by research grants through institutions or funding bodies. Through Wolters Kluwer, Neurosurgery Practice also offers full or partial APC waivers for accepted articles with corresponding authors in low-and middle-income economies based on the Research4Life criteria (100% waiver for authors from Group A countries; 50% discount for Group B). Research4Life is a wonderful initiative, but it does not go far enough. The Neurosurgery Publications Industry Open Access Fund aims to support publication of high-quality articles by all authors who seek sponsorship. Those interested in receiving an industry scholarship to cover the APC will be prompted to indicate their request and rationale during the submission process. Authors will be notified by the Neurosurgery Practice Editorial Office of the Editor’s decision. If the article is accepted, the author will be given a special scholarship code.

    Industry Participation

    Each participating company will pay $8,000 which will cover the fees to publish up to four original studies, and reviews (@ $2,122 APC) or up to eight short reports or case instructions (@ $1,061 APC). The initial sponsorship period runs through June 2025.

    Each consortia member contributing to the Neurosurgery Publications Industry Open Access Fund will be recognized as a supporter of the Fund with your logo and link on the Neurosurgery Practice website. Articles underwritten by the Neurosurgery Publications Industry Open Access Fund will be designated as being supported by a grant from the entire fund, not one company in particular.

    Fund supporters will have no involvement in the editorial decision process for Neurosurgery Practice and editorial decisions will not be influenced by an author’s grant application. Associate Editors and peer reviewers are not made aware if an author has applied for a grant and a grant may only be offered upon acceptance to publish in Neurosurgery Practice.

    Join the Consortia

    The 2024 participation fee is $8,000 per company.
    If you are interested in joining the Neurosurgery Publications Industry Open Access Fund please contact Elizabeth Perill, ( at our publisher, Wolters Kluwer. Elizabeth will send you the sponsorship agreement outlining the terms of support and invoicing.

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