"The incredible quality of our medical student applicants confirms to me yearly that the future of neurosurgery is bright. Neurosurgery attracts the best, brightest, hardest-working, and most resilient students to such a challenging specialty. I'm not sure how we manage to raise the bar every year, but it bodes well for the next generation of neurosurgeons." – Douglas A. Hardesty

"I am most inspired by my patients, who demonstrate an enormous resolve to get better. Before surgery, they often need to quit smoking or lose weight. After surgery, they may have lengthy recoveries and even require rehab. Despite all of this pre- and post-work, my patients do whatever it takes to return to their desired state of living." – Khoi D. Than

"I am most hopeful about the current and future generations of outstanding men and women who will lead the field of neurosurgery forward. Their enthusiasm for the field will ensure that our specialty continues to seek better and safer means of providing care to our patients." – Min S. Park

"The CNS represents the best, brightest, and leading voices in Neurosurgery from all over the world. I look to the CNS for cutting edge education as we as neurosurgeons aim to move our field forward to improve the care of our patients. As a community, the CNS provides the education, resources, support, and opportunities for every neurosurgeon.
Neurosurgery has a bright future—it is through education, mentorship, and team-based care that we will advance neurosurgical care, develop new procedures and therapies, and improve healthcare delivery and access for our patients. Neurosurgery is at the cutting edge of science and medicine; combined with technology and research, it is very likely that neurosurgical innovation and research will lead to new therapies and cures never before thought achievable—all in our lifetime." – Brian V. Nahed

"Despite significant challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, neurosurgeons have rapidly come together and changed practice patterns to continue to deliver excellent care to all patients. Through efforts led by CNS leadership, neurosurgical education has also pivoted into virtual learning, so that future generations of neurosurgeons receive necessary instruction. These adaptations inspire hope for a bright neurosurgery future." – Robert G. Whitmore

"What makes me most hopeful about the future of neurosurgery is the people in this community. We have a group of incredibly motivated visionaries who continually seek to improve the field, from ways to better care for our patients to pushing the frontiers of understanding and curing the nervous system. With this group of leaders, we can achieve the impossible." – Doris Wang

"Patients are at the center of my inspiration in neurosurgery. I am impacted by being able to help improve people's lives and the gratitude from families; and my research goals are driven by memories of patients tragically lost to brain tumors." – Kristin Huntoon

"CNS is an amazing platform to learn and share ideas with colleagues and mentors. I believe CNS provides life-long learning and an opportunity to socialize with peers." – Mayur Sharma

"As a clinical neuropathologist, the CNS community is a critical professional organization for me since without neurosurgeons and the neurosurgery community, there is no chance for neuropathologists to help patients and be forever limited to the study of the dead. In my career of more than 30 years, I have worked closer to my neurosurgery and neuro-oncology colleagues than other pathologists or physicians. CNS is a stellar professional organization that provides a home not only for neurosurgeons, but also all those who work closely with neurosurgeons.
My other role as an academic educator truly needs the presence of organizations like CNS. Only through these organizations, I can participate in multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work that transcends simple pathology and becomes an effective teaching activity to improve trainee competences and improve patient care. As the molecular and genomic advances change our practice and understanding, I find CNS a perfect venue to convey these advances to neurosurgery trainees in collaboration with my neurosurgical colleagues.
I can certainly go on more about the value of CNS community, but suffice it to say that I will consider this organization a home during my entire career." – Tarik Tihan

"The CNS represents the future of neurosurgery. With a focus on education, innovation, and leadership, the CNS is creating the transformational clinicians and leaders of today and the future in our field." – Nader Pouratian

"As the Chief of Neurosurgery at the VA Hospital, what inspires me most is easily answered: my patients. I recall an elderly man, an ex WWII navy fighter pilot, who told me unreal stories of exhaustive training, innovations born of necessity, perseverance in the face of uncertain outcomes and dedication to each other and country. He was awestruck by what was a straightforward craniotomy that restored his left-sided motion, and he equated those aspects of his prior experience to our field of neurosurgery. What a privilege." – Kerry Brega