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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 02/21/1913

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    February 21, 1913

    Well My Dear Boy,

    …Say what is the matter with you American doctors. I see in this A.M. paper that J.P. Morgan has sent to Italy for one to look after him. Perhaps he is a scab and works cheeper. Or is it possable this Pope has got something to do with it.

    Somehow I feel you have selected the best and most difficult part of the medical proffesion. The only thing you seem to need now is (like Sam Jackson that used to fire for me would say) "room to work." This was when we used to be stuck on side tracks with lots of trains in awer way. But when you are ready for buisness I hope you are not stuck on freight trains but on the Flyer with right of track over all trains and everybody clear your track 10 minutes. Wouldn't that be fine to get on Flyer before you go on freight. But what about seniority. Well you will just have to open up a new road of your own. Then you are the oldest on the road in addition you would be your own boss.

    You ask do I ever want to go back on the road. Not a bit of it. Never as satisfied in my life and never felt better. And the Boss is just the same. No cares except your welfare. And we feel certain of that being all O.K.…

    I want to remind you that we want to hear all about that prize you are trying for. Who do you go halves with. When will you hear if successful, etc.

    If you should decide to stay another year in Hopkins awaiting developments as suggested in your last letter do you think it would be wise for us to come and start housekeeping on such conditions.

    Your affectionate Father

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