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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/01/1912

    89 Anson Street

    Barrow in Furness, England

    c. Spring, 1912

    My Dear Son,

    This is the time of year I used to look forward to your home coming and to see you after a long absense. When shall we have the joy of seeing one another again. Our greatest consideration is for your happiness and welfare and to hear of you getting the best on earth. I believe when you received Christ as your Savior you received heaven's best gift the best for eternity and now I would like to see you get the best in this world, the best position, the best wife that this world produces.

    Well you can't come to see us this year very well, but I do want you to go and see that young lady and have a good time. You can't tell much about her with what acquaintance you have had with her. If she is spoiled that is no great injury or draw back. She has never known anything but being pampered and petted. If she was with a sensible man or with company that would show her other side she might be more humble than you or me. As Mr. Robinson said in the meeting the other day, the nobility or the very rich was very often more humble than the poorer class of people. He said the late King Edward was one of the most humblest kind of men.

    I am serious when I say to you to not throw aside such a splendid oppertunity. The young lady might be different altogether if you know her better. You thought Miss Stanley a fine girl at first, but when you know her better your ideas changed about her. I admire the rich young lady, because she has humbled herself to come down to a poor boy, though you have no equal in ability. I say love like hers is rarely found in man or woman. I would not think she is very badly spoiled that has such good sense to select such a sensible man for a husband. Go and see her and then you will be better able to judge. Very easy to form wrong ideas about a person. I have had wrong ideas about a person. When I knew them better they were altogether different. You don't want to be an old bachelor. You need a wife and a home. Don't expect perfection anywhere. You will never find it. You will not get any better traits in the poor.

    I was telling your aunt, Mrs. Todd about this girl. She says tell him to not throw aside a chance like that. Few young men would object to a spoiled millionaire. That's nothing. Everybody's spoiled to a certain degree. I am writing this in all seriousness. Don't be amused. Just be serious about it and honest. Mr. Seddon said he would be willing to try a girl like that. Might be a fine girl. Probably you will be tired reading this. But I am anxious that you will not be rash in rejecting before you have proved the truth of your assertions. So would Pa. I want to make this match. Hope she is a good Christian girl.

    Your loving Mother

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