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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 02/22/1909

    1323 E. 5th St.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    February 22, 1909

    My Dear Son,

    …We went to Mrs. Donnelly's funeral yesterday. When we got back he [Papa] had to go pretty soon to catch a freight. He took that letter you sent from that Doctor in Baltimore and showed it to Mr. Bard. He thought it great. Then Mrs. B. came up and he read it to her. She did not say much except that it was good.…

    Tax collector Sullivan sent a card about taxes. You owe on that money you loaned out. It is $4. You find out from some of the lawers if they can make you pay for it. If so we had better pay for it. Papa don't like to ask here. Ask Ikenberry or someone and let us know.…

    Your loving Mother

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