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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 08/29/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    August 29, 1913

    My Dear Son,

    …We were sure enjoying the piece where Dr. Bloodgood told you what Dr. Halsted said about you, but in reading on, it was suddenly ended by your idea of Dr. Bloodgood. Surely he would not be guilty of being so untruthful. We both thought that he was telling the truth because of the way Dr. Halsted asked you to stay and also because others told you how he complimented you on the article you wrote. So I am inclined to think it was true.

    We went out to Regent Park yesterday about two miles walk. It is a lovely park. We nearly always get in conversation with some one. We have always to make the start if we do. I just wished you could have heard Pa bragging about his boy. Honestly, I was nearly ashamed. I said I was ashamed talking to strangers. Pa said, "Oh, it done me good to tell them about him." He would sure make a good advertiser for you.

    On this seat was a fine big red faced woman. She was telling about her son, she only had one, 20 years old, telling what a flirt he was. Every few Sundays, fetch a fresh girl for his mother to see and pass an opinion on. She said he was very selfish. Tried to get all the money he could out of Father and Mother but she would not give him any. Told him he would have to get out and make it. Of course she thought our boy was great. Pa rehearsed all from your youth up. Seemed greatly to be admired, nearly above human. One young lady said what a fine young man. She told me her sweetheart was in Canada on a farm. Well I don't know what Pa will say when he sees this. I expect he felt better in telling it than he will to see it in writing. (J.D. She guesses right but she helped me at times.)

    Your loving Mother

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