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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/28/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    November 28, 1913

    My Dear Boy,

    …Well do you know I must confess you are pretty good hand at courting as well as at other things but your ability reflects on your father at least from the point of view of the other good little girl for she said to me you never wrote me such nice letters or said such nice things about me. But still I got her, and worse still she chased me down Bath Street. She did not want to let me go did she, but I am glad she didn't. What could I have done without her. I must further complement you on your choice as I think if you want one for a wife you would look a long time before you could find a better. I must also complement you on your hesitancy in not makeing any deffenite promise under the circumstances. I felt satisfied she was like Mama was, willing to wait and see. She quotes the Prime Ministers saying wait and see which I think under the circumstances is just right.

    I am pleased she asked for your picture but I shall be more pleased when both of us get it and a good one.…

    Don't forget to inform us when your artical comes aut. Do you ever hear about the Ph.D. of mine.

    I was hearing and so was Mama a debate on vivisection between a young doctor and a woman. He was a substitute for the other doctor who could not come but he had never done research work therefore at some disadvantage. But he did very well. The woman of course could out talk him. She cited a Mr. James of America as the leading brain surgeon in America. Is it so.

    I will enclose you a few clipings about Sir Victor Horsley.

    Well you have not got to fighting Mexico yet, but I am afraid you will have to. President Wilson is certainly taking his time. There is some fear here that Japan will help Mexico. I hope not. America might keep even or profit by anexation of Mexico but I don't think we would want Japan if we could get it. I hope diplomacy in each case is victor over war and I feel satisfied it will be well tried in the present case. I wish America, England, France and Germany would decide on peace proposels. Then if the rest of the world would not come in write and compell them.…

    Don't neglect your future because of the little girl. She will keep. If not let her go and perhaps I can find another.

    Your affectionate Father

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