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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 10/12/1908

    1323 E. 5th St.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    October 12, 1908

    My Dear Boy,

    We got your letter today. Had been downtown and around 15th Street. 15th Street looks good now. Got it papered and varnished.…

    It is 3 P.M. The Flyer has just gone past. Delayed in Texas by freight train wreck.…

    Well I must congratulate you on your new work but I think they gave you too much in one night. If they keep up that pace the census of Baltimore will look good to Teddy Roosevelt. He ought to complement you especially on the one that was about dead that you restored by slapping on the back. Mama thinks your hands ought to have been clean after all that washing. I think you will begin to think that you ought to have done Dr. Mall's work this summer instead of working at 15th St.…

    Mama thinks you should have got about $40 for that night's work. Will conclude with best wishes for the best boy on earth.

    Your affectionate Father

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