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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 01/17/1913

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    January 17, 1913

    Well My Dear Boy,

    …Well you ask who is Boss. No change will answer that question. She is trying to make my hair grow and rubs it at night with coal oil and vasaline. Of course I have to be in bed first and she always makes me smell at her smelling bottle after I get in bed and before going to bed always have to have an orange. But one evening I asked her who had spilled water on the floor. Then requested her not to poke on the fire. And of course I continued to read to her for an hour or two. Bed time came. No orange, no rub of hair, and no smell. Thought it strange but never suspected the cause. In time I found I had interfered with her rights. About the water and the fire. Of course I don't do it any more, which proves conclusively who is Boss.

    You ask what I do in regard to investments. Any surplus money we have is in the Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co. at 75 Cornhill London. Also box containing all bonds etc. And if I need money Porter sends it, if not he invests it for me and sends the notes to me. I did start to cash the bond coupons here in England but they collected income tax from me. I got it refunded and quit cashing them here. I send them to the States for collection. I think when I come back I will part with them if I can get good terms.…

    You ask if we would like to live in Sedalia. We don't care much where we live. We are even well satisfied here and at present. We think we shall stay here till you decide what you will do. We don't want you to consider us at all in the matter. You have lots to think about without bothering about us as I feel that each year will bring fresh responsibilities to you until you get located at least. In fact I think this year will determine lots for or against your welfare. In fact I think it will have the largest step in some direction unless you conclude to follow the course of many others and stay around Hopkins with the expectation of something showing up in the future. And all these things you will have to carefully weigh and determine for your self which is best to do. So far everything has been for the best and I feel satisfied the future will exceed the past for your welfare, if it is possible to be done, as I think perfection has almost been your lot and we shall trust and pray for the future.

    You never say if you think the present holder of Dr. Cushings place intends to keep it or go back to general surgery.…

    Ireland ought to be free as far as this Parlement is concerned. She as got home rule. But I think the lords will knock it out. If so it goes to the people as final.…

    Your affectionate Father

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