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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/01/1909

    1323 E. 5th St.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    c. March 1909

    My Dear Son,

    …Ervie Meyers and his wife came over the other night to see about buying this house. They seemed to like it well. Papa asked $900 for it, $400 down, the balance when they could pay for it. He wanted to know if he paid cash would he let it go any cheaper. Papa said no. He would have to depend on the father for it I think. So we have not heard anything more. She is very anxious to get to housekeeping. They have been buying furniture. Mr. Meyers has been at home sick for a month.

    Haven't seen any of B.'s since she was here last Sunday. We went up to 15th St. then called at B.'s but there was nobody at home. Then we went up to Annie Cravens. They are all well. Daisy is going to quit high school this summer and go to business college, learn short hand. She says she won't learn bookkeeping. They would work her to death if she did. I think she is most to good to work.

    You say you will probably have couple of years in a hospital after you graduate. Well will they pay you or not for that time. Let us know.

    A few of the men was talking how they would take it easier some. Walter Letts said his daughter cost him $500 per year. When she got through he was going to take it easier and not come out at night like that bad night. Turner was going to quit when he was 60. Curtis said he told his wife he could take it easier couple of years ago, and he says he never worked as hard as he did last year. So that is the way, pretty hard to quit. Well it is nice to be able to quit, anyway.

    …Like to hear what Dr. Mall said on the article. Did you ever meet that professor. I remain,

    Your loving Mother

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