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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 04/24/1913

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    April 24, 1913

    Well My Dear Boy,

    Your letter received yesterday just as we were going to Regent Park for the afternoon visit. And of course, we reread it sitting in the beautiful park on a beautiful day amongst nice flours, pet squirrels, pigons etc. But our thoughts was not so much centered on any of the above things as on our boy and his destiny.…

    Well Mama and I have been trying to solve where you will locate. And I have abandoned Detroit or Mineapolis and have concluded you will stay at Hopkins. So we will see if I think right.

    Say the Boss and I had an argument the other day on grammar. She accused me of not using proper terms and of course I resented it realizing it was beneath my dignity to use bad gramer. So concluded to refer to you. But she said you would decide in my favor as you always took my part. So we concluded we could put the questions so you would not know which advanced them.

    In going to meetings I always try to get to the front in order to hear well, therefore make request from the janator to get to the front. Should I say to him my ears are not very good or my hearing is not very good? I hope I win on this and beat the Cladymore validictorian. Wouldn't I be going some?…

    If you decide to stay in Baltimore for another year, don't you think we had better come back. We might give you many a good meal. But on the other hand do you think it would be wise to start housekeeping for so short a time?…

    Your affectionate Father

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