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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/09/1909

    1323 E. 5th St.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    March 9, 1909

    My Dear Boy,

    …I was sorry that Taft could not be punished without inflicting it on so many others. As I feel satisfied that many will get enough punishment during his administration, but he and the few others will be living in luxury, draining the lifes blood from the workers. And it won't be drained by them like you have drained your fingers of blood for the benefit of science and humanity. For you will find that they will reap and not sow.…

    Had rather an interesting case at Parsons the other night as we left on 6 doubleheader. I had Levesey for conductor and the general freight agent of Texas reported conductor for starting train before all the passengers was on and the engineers for not paying any attention to whistle signals to stop. He claimed in his report that there was about 12 passengers, about 7 of them ladies, was trying to get on when train was in motion and it was dangerous practice. We all got letters about it. And told awer different storeys or side of the case and it develops that there was no one but himself and wife that had to get on and they had been visiting instead of getting on after leaving dining room. Station agent, brakeman, porter, etc. and conductor who attend to that business all stated that he and wife was only ones left. Of course we stopped as soon as we got signal to stop. N.J. Finney was right beside the engine when we made the stop, so I think the agent will not be so handy in reporting after this.

    …Mama and I can not see the same way as you see about moving. If we had to come to Baltimore and rent 15th St. it would be a constant worry on our minds. If we could sell it would be different. Further I think we could sell it better if we lived in it and I could fix it up a little as I went along and make it look better.…

    Mama is going to get you fat this summer. She is looking well and feeling good. She says she is not coming to Baltimore. She says she is alright but if you think she had better come I will see that she comes and you know who is Boss at this house. Well I must close wishing the best boy on earth the best success.

    Say don't you want some money soon. Don't be backward. All is for you I have got.

    Your affectionate Father

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