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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 09/02/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    c. September 2, 1913

    My Dear Son,

    …I am very glad you have at last made that long talked of speculation and hope it may make you $1,000. When you double your money, and Pa's gold mine stocks begin to shovel out the gold, I won't know what to do with all the money. We will be making money too fast. I will soon have to figure how to spend it, a beautiful home, a motor car, etc.

    We are writing rather early this week. I couldn't get Pa to wait till the regular time. Of course he is the boss. He says come on and write this letter so I have to do it.…

    I would like to know how those brain cases got along you operated on. Do you do all the work yourself?

    You never say what you think about us staying here another year. You just write us if we were coming back. Now tell us what you think about the matter and don't forget. You have so much to think about that you generally forget to answer, but we excuse you. We realize you are very busy and not much time to waste on things of minor importance.…

    I told Pa I would not be so economical now since we have the $35,000. I don't know how long I will feel that way. I am not to be depended on. Pa says I have said that so many times.

    Go out and get exercise every day while the summer lasts. You ought to have a week somewhere. You would feel more like work when you got back.…

    Your loving Mother

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