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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 02/13/1914

    11 Holford Place

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    February 13, 1914

    My Dear Son,

    …Who are you going to send the remaining of your pictures too. I am going to send one to Lena, one to my home in Ireland (they will appreciate it) and one probably to Mr. Seddon.

    I was glad to hear you had been buying new clothes and I think not before you needed them. Would like to see you in your dress suit. What about the silk hat. Isn't it necessary to have with the dress suit. Here every knobstick wears them sometimes with inferior clothes. Once in a while we meet a colored man with a silk hat on.

    They are very particular here about the outside of every thing looking at its best. The women are not as particular about a bath as they are about powder and paint and not as particular about their kitchen as they are about their front step and brass knobs on the door.…

    We have that Sedalia and other clippings nearly wore away reading them. Pa says they are rich. He has been patching the Sedalia paper. He would like a few more Sedalia papers and he is thinking of sending to Sedalia for some more.……

    I believe Pa will soon need a library. I see he has a little advertisement or clipping about your high school valedictory pasted in his bible.

    Is Heuer going to Germany and is he drawing a salary. I think you ought to have one this year. Is the man above you going to leave. You never say anything about Bloodgood. Don't you have much to do with him now.…

    Your loving Mother

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