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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 06/01/1910

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    June, 1910

    Just got home again after rather nice trip with fine nice weather. Lots of freight business so much they can't get over the road. Mostly coal from Illinois as miners in South won't accept company terms.

    Well Walter Mama has finaly and as usual found out how much her present cost. She has done some loud figuaring and arrived at the following, "Walter said $75 would be ample to put him through. We sent him $100. Now he wants $25 more so he must have paid the difference which is $50. Isn't this like her. Can't beat her. We are going this P.M. to send you $50 for your graduation present. Not for silverware as per Mama.

    Your affectionate Father & Mother

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