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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/07/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    November 7, 1913

    Well My Dear Boy,

    Your letter has not got here for this week. Presume it will come on the White Star tomorrow. Slow boats are out of date in my estimation, especialy in bringing my boys letters. Further it was a slow one that brought you that nice young ladys picture which I think you will get tommorrow. I would like to see you and hear you when you get it. I fear their will be some criticism for it to endure. But it passed at this end OK. I really think her disposition is better than her picture. But you are and should be the final judge on your side.

    Well I am anxious to hear what you say. Don't you think you should write to her and tell her your conditions or idea on the subject. I fancy I hear you say that I have got you in deep water. But on the other hand you told me to get you one like the little Boss. And that is the nearest approach to her I could find.

    But if your judgment on her is like your Mo Pac stock, I am afraid she will not get two far for sometime as I saw yesterday it was down to 27 3/4. Mama feels sorry for you. I don't providing you will not let it trouble your mind and further you will not neglect yourself on account of it. But it certainly is a poor time to talk matrimony when stocks are going down. But never mind I think both will go up shortly. Stocks when peace in Mexico and matrimony when you get a good job and they are both coming fast.

    I see U.S. is making preperations to that end. And your coming articles will bring you before the people and offers will come in from other places which I think will force Dr. Halsted to give you something better in order to keep the best man from leaving his staff. I think lots of good things will come your way next year.…

    About the time President Wilson gets Mexico straightened out he will have to start in England as I fear England will soon be as bad as Mexico for internal troubles.

    Say don't you think railroads running north and south…would be better to invest in than Pacific account of the Panama Canal?

    Well I am going to hear a young American give a lecture on President Wilson next Sunday afternoon. I was introduced to him at Brotherhood meeting. He has just returned from there and thinks he is a second Lincon.…

    Your affectionate Father

    P.S. Mrs. Pankhurst seems to be a good person in the U.S.A. and speaks favorably of her people. She has cause to be bad here.

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