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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 04/11/1914

    The Johns Hopkins Hospital

    Baltimore, Md.

    April 11, 1914

    Dear Mother and Father,

    I am very sorry about the delay in this letter. I can't understand why. I mailed it as usual Sunday night. I always write it and then throw it down to the man at the front to be mailed. I never carry it around. So I guess the dear boy wasn't to blame that time.

    If you could just see me decked out in my new silk hat. I got a great bargain, an $8 high silk hat for $4. So I took advantage and am now prepared for any and all emergencies. I am a great spender for a poor boy.

    Spring is beginning to appear, though the leaves haven't appeared yet. I took in the first baseball game today. It was the advent of Baltimore into major league ball. They have a baseball war now and there is very keen competition.

    That is digressing temporarily from my main occupation. Got two more dogs' pineals out this week. Have done three now, and all are doing very nicely. I will have to get a lot together and quickly in order to get it out quickly to forestall the Philadelphia people. No, they have a right as well as I. I have my serious doubts about their success, however. I don't believe anyone else can get it out and I think I can get it practically every time now. That's pure conceit isn't it. It will be an absolutely new field. No one has been able to do it yet. Do you remember when you were here how I used to try it so often but always with a false result. And now I can do it though it sometimes takes 3 hours. The last one I did was on a puppy just 2 months old. I must do it on even younger puppies yet.

    There haven't been many human operations lately. Easter holidays have kept the people away. A number of big European surgeons are coming here Saturday. Dr. Halsted comes back soon.

    I sent my article to Germany and Chicago yesterday. I am working on a couple more. One has just appeared in the Annals of Surgery. Will send you one when I get some copies. It is in English.

    I have spent a lot of money this year. It just seems to fall out so easily. Will look around and see what I can find for you soon in the way of a house.… I may take a week's rest in the country before school begins. But I don't know.

    Am writing a paper now, Heuer & Dandy on Brain Surgery at Hopkins. Am second this time but am lucky to be on at all, so I am really fortunate. Then there are lots more papers in addition to it. I ought to do pretty well this year in the publishing line.

    Hope you are in the very best of health and having an enjoyable time and that you will soon be here.

    Your loving son, Walter

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