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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 09/25/1909

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    September 25, 1909

    My Dear Boy,

    We felt lonesome for some time after you left but are again settled down to the regular routine again. Mama had her usual crys after you left and nothing looked good to her except her boy. She determined that when I quit work we had to live near awer boy. She is now feeling all right and as sacey [saucy] as ever. I was trying your scheam and trying to follow your instructions to make her eat peaches etc. But I got told to mind my own business so I shall have to leave her to you. She is now buisy cooking me some good things to eat.

    I was at the bank this A.M. talked with Latimore about your scheam of me depositing money here and you drawing it there. He did not think the bankers in Baltimore would do it for you unless it was through your school. And then they would probly charge you for doing it. He said the Sedalia Bank looked like a small speck on the map to them eastern bankers. As far as he was concerned it was satisfactory as he knew that your father and mother was good but them eastern bankers would not know you and would not cash your check until they heard from here or take it for collection. So their the matter stands. I put $100 in bank when you went away and went today to put in more but did not do it after investigating. Let us know how much you want and when you want it and it will come. You might see your banker about the matter.

    Well the new "Katy Limited" goes on tomorrow. MacDonald done his usual scheaming to get the layover in Parsons. He is going on the run for the present awaiting the usual 30 days for senior engineers to take it. He tryed to get Newrick to take it with him but Sedalia men won't allow layover to go to Parsons, so Newrick won't take it. So it will be 30 days before anybody is settled.

    I got 300 shares of South America Gold Co stock from Wilshire this A.M. He is going to pay in November 6% monthly stock dividends. That will be good if it keeps up will be about 18%.…

    Your affectionate Father

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