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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 02/07/1910

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    February 7, 1910

    My Dear Boy,

    Just received and seen your picture. Looks fine and studious. Intelegent and manly and in a very conspicuous place. So much so that I overlooked it for a few minutes. Mama got it first. I fancy I see under the surfice of it the effects of a determined mind because of the grade you got. A mind that says the "Rubicon must be crossed." It certainly looks an intelegent class. When you come home I shall want lots of explanations in regard to them.

    Well I wish your mind was free about the Dr. Cushing position. I feel satisfied it is yours, even though the Dr. has not told you so, for we have made suplications to the Almighty in our humble manner in your behalf and feel satisfied he heard our cry.

    Well my boy we have many things to be thankful for. And one of them is to think that you have been permitted, or rather you have through energy and ability ascended from the ranks of the lowly to a position so noble that you can occupy the front ranks of any nation.

    Well their is not much new news about railroading as regards 9 and 10.… I might as well tell you that I laid off one trip account of bad cold or grip, but Mama soon got me better, but things looked rather blue to me for a little while on the recept of your last letter. I haveing the grip and in addition you will see from letter head that my own and good boy had your back on me. And in addition Mama laughed about it.

    Well their was a bad little wreck in Parsons Yard on the morning of the 5th. A few hours before I got their the train 22 was leaving for K.C. and about opisite Mr. Brehms office. Or where you got off when you went with me. She got off the track at switch and turned on her side. The engineer and fireman got hurt. The fireman broke his ankles. The engineer got a few ribs broken and they thought his lungs was bruised by the broken ribs, as he was spitting blood.…

    Well I think for the present I will close as we have been buisy washing and feeling rather unsettled as Mama gave me some of her pleasant looks for not cleaning the line good and soiled her cloths after washing them. But she is feeling too good to say much to me after getting such a good picture of you.…

    Your affectionate Father

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