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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 01/08/1914

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    January 8, 1914

    My Dear Boy,

    Victor over the mighty C. Your letter of the 29th came last night just as Mama and I was reading over some of your old letters sent when we were in the Isle of Man and you doing wonderful things in Dr. C.s absence in Europe including the Campbell girls deal and we were remarking that we thought it was the jelous Cushing that prevented her from answering your letter. Don't you think it would be all right to write and find out and give your reasons why he did not like you.

    But I may say we were not long before we dropped the old ones although very interesting and read the new one describing your Philadelphia lecture. And we read it many times. And again this A.M. And awer only regret is that we did not see and hear you squash the egotist C. Oh how I felt like I would have liked to have seen how hard I could stop his mouth with my fist when he told you your imagination was not suitable to eastern conditions etc, etc. But I think you have stopped it better and by a better method.

    I think you should tell him he had better move west and struggle for ability rather than ego of which he possesses to much. That was at least in his estimation a fine idea to get rid of you and out of his way. But he had failed to note that you were from Missouri and must be shown. The coward. Hit him harder than ever if you can in his work. I feel that all at Hopkins will see through his dirty strategy to accomplish your downfall for his advantage. He must certainly have imagined by his abundance of imagination just suitable to eastern environments that nature must work to his imaginations rather than her own ways.

    If you had not stopped him he would soon imagine the whole solar system was in his control but fancy such a person afraid to look a boy in the face because you opposed him by facts he could not refute. Tell him to produce facts rather than ego and he will be heard. I am anxious to hear later comments on the afair. I think their will be many. I think that both John Bull U.S.A. and Ireland was at their best in you, after he got you ruffled and sore.…

    Am pleased I am shortly going to see the picture of this wonderful boy of mine.… Besides I am going to get another of his latest and best work to read. I am pleased it is in English as well as German so I can at least read it if not understand it.

    You certainly hit the spiritualist hard. They wanted to hear what you thought but I am afraid to tell them…however I am going to enclose you another of her findings from your letter of December 23 which shows to me very conclusively that their is something in their theories but what I don't know. Of course I am not desirous that you should leave your work to try and solve it. On the other hand I don't think it right to denounce what we don't know. Mama is sure they are wrong. But they gave her a corker this time about sore throat etc. which is a fact. On January first she was absolutely well. On the second we went out for a walk in the parks while awer room was cleaned and we sat down and it was rather cold. And she had very sore throat next day. Of course it is about better now, but how can this be accounted for.

    You will see she speaks of matrimonial problem. She never knew anything of that before and it was in your letter and please note her advice about it. Even if your father did get you into it I did it thinking it for your good. But I am not always right by any means. But you are very seldom wrong. Therefore everything is with you in the matter. You certainly know your desire the best. But if you can help it don't do anything against your own welfare as that is awer highest ambition. But I think if you have not already done so you should send her your picture and tell her what you think of the deal no matter what it is you think. If you want to wait 5 or 10 years, say so. If undecided say so. If you don't want her at all say so.

    You say Moyer my ideal got shot by Citizens Alliance. I think Moyer and Haywood is going to fast for me. They are…in other words syndicalists. And while I feel sorry for working men as a whole I can't believe that in the long run that either syndicalists or milletant sufferage or any other extreme measure will produce the best results. But all theese are the results of causes. Remove the cause and theese evils cease. Therefore the method of removal is the prime consideration and I notice that in theese extreme movements the movers allways get the worst of it, therefore not my ideal although at times very difficult to keep awer Irish down. Even with the mighty Cushing.…

    Your affectionate Father

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