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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 12/01/1909

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    c. December, 1909

    Well My Boy,

    Mama says my letter is good but you will want some railroad news. Everything is about the same. Runs rather hard to make account of cold in addition they are rather heavy, 9 and 10 cars on 5 and 6 account of so much travel for Christmas. Engine 337 is out of shops, looks good. She has made 2 trips on freight. Will get her as soon as she is broke in good.

    I hear that C.P. Curtis has quit. Has got a position with the American R.R. [Kansas City] Employers and Investors Association. It is a scheam got up to use the men to block adverse legislation to R.R. I don't think much of it and I think it will be hard to get the men to take hold of it. I tryed to lay off today to go to K.C. but can't.…

    Christmas presents in our family is going to be small this year. I looked all over Parsons and Sedalia for something for you but could not find anything that I thought would suite you. And my Boss won't have anything eather. Wishing you the best Christmas as you can possibly get under the circumstances and may God bless you with a happy and prosperous New Year.

    Your affectionate Father

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