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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 09/04/1912

    89 Anson Street

    Barrow in Furness, England

    September 4, 1912

    Well My Dear Boy,

    Glad to hear you had such a good trip but it was rather to short. Well when you have worked as long as Mother and I have, then have a good long one resting on the laurals won.

    I think by this time your mind will be eased for the present about your work for next year, but it won't be long till you are looking for more worlds to conquer. Well just as long as you have aspirations for theese high ideals you can expect worry and sometimes disapointment. So far you have had wonderfull success in getting your desires satisfied. And I feel your successfull course is not finished as yet. And what you get now you will find later it was for the best.…

    We had lovely 6 or 8 mile circle walk yesterday afternoon via Furness Abbey…watching them play football on our route. They seem to get more exercise, enthusiasm and fun out of it than the Americans do out of baseball. I had another letter and paper from Portland, Origan. It looks good to me.…

    You aught to have seen the Little Boss in her new suite. She had it on to meeting last Sunday. I rather think that she got more satisfaction out of the suite than she did out of the meeting. Of course she says not. Anyhow she was much admired and worthly so.…

    We sometimes think that if we don't come back to the States this winter we will go and stay in London. We can get good front room with bed etc. in it and all cooking done for us for 7 shillings per week. We purchase our own food. This would make it as cheep or cheeper than we pay here and have good time in London.…

    Your affectionate Father

    P.S. The Boss is late again. Took 2 days to write her letter and consult dictionary how to spell penny. She only wanted to put in one n. You know how I get it for not spelling good. Therefore I could not miss or help retaliating when she did not know how to spell such a small common word as penny. I could do that easy and I never graduated at Cladymore and she excused herself by saying Walter asks me at times how to spell some words.…

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