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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 12/15/1912

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    c. December 15, 1912

    My Dear Son,

    …I don't think London is big enough for the people that is in it. The ladies are beginning to look like dolls. They are all artificial, nothing natural or simple. Great deal worse than Americans.…

    The poor Socialist lost out in yesterday's election. One fine old fellow had been in for 5 years and lost yesterday in a very poor district. The poor man always votes as a rule for the big fellow.… As one Socialist said in a meeting, they will send their motor car for the poor to vote for them. The next day they will disinfect it, serves them right to be poor. The Labor party is the only one that would help him but they won't have him in power.…

    Your loving Mother

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