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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 12/03/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    December 3, 1913

    My Dear Son

    …In your last letter you wished us not to send your letter to Lena. Well we had already done so, and had her reply and you will have it by this time. I don't think there was anything in it that was not complimentary, and very nice in every way. But let me say by way of advice you must not make yourself too cheap. Nothing a woman loves more than a manly man.

    I believe I would have a little regret to see you emerge from your single happy life. I think the single young man is admired and looked up too by every person. What is nicer than to see a fine physical healthy noble young man with high ideas (nothing to my mind). With a woman it is different, the earlier the better or she will soon be looked on as an old maid. When a man is a little older than you it is better to get married for the sake of home and its comforts.

    This little girl Lena C. is in no hurry and I think it would be better to wait till you are in a prosperous position, able to give the one you marry the comfort and happiness of a home. I don't think it is a great sacrifice to leave all for a man she loves. If she thinks it is a sacrifice, I'm afraid you will have trouble to keep her. It is best to find it out before it goes to far.

    Mrs. Evans told me about one of her niece's (that is the woman we stayed with before we came here) who married a young American. He came here and married her and took her to America. She wasn't long there till she got homesick and came home. He persuaded her to come back to him. She did so and he bought her a beautiful home, thought it might help to make her satisfied. Was not long till she wanted to come back to her folks again. When we were at Evans she was home enjoying herself and she says she won't go back. I believe it was in St Joe she lived.

    I was not like that girl. I was always satisfied even though I did not have anything very fine, but I was happy. I had a good man (J.D.: rich remark) and he was good to me (J.D.: first time told). Don't you know something of the truth of this statement? I was looking out for my husband and my boy even on the street car to get them a seat (St Louis).

    Well I think you would not have any trouble with Lena in regard to these things. I think she would make a good wife for anyone. I must write to her some of these days. Of course you must not let anything come in to trouble you before you get your ambitions realized. You are young, there is plenty of time. She is in no hurry and we are not. I am not anxious to see you wed yet. Fancy me being Grandma. I feel more like a girl.

    Your loving Mother

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