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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 05/16/1910

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    May 16, 1910

    My Dear Boy,

    …Trains are about on time. Track is still rather soft with instructions not to make up time.…

    I do not hear much about the machinists trouble. Some places got considerable scabs working. I think the miners will win out before long as the coal saddly is getting short arround here. It is all gone at Parsons. And they are hawling it from Frank Jnct South about as fast as steam shovel can load it up wheir it has been stored on the ground. They will be through there also in about a week. Good mineral coal will look good to us as this stuff we are now getting is miserable old dirt. It seems strange they can't find a better way of dealing with there men than strewing on the ground good coal, letting it lay there untill about useless in order to bluff the men.…

    I was trying to perswade Mama yesterday to come and see you graduate and incedentaly get examined, but I can't get her consent as yet. But if you think it nessary as far as the examination is concerned you insist on her coming and I will try and perswade or carry her. I want her to tell you exactly how she is so you can form an idea. As far as I am judge I think she is doing well. But I am not the Dr. any more. So I am going to leave it with you.

    You ought to have been home to have dinner and supper yesterday. Mama sure had a banquet.

    Your affectionate Father

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