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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 12/02/1926

    We are nearing Jacksonville about noon. I presume I had a longer sleep last night than my girl, for, good as my boy is at times, one of those times is not early morning. I nearly slept the clock around - went to bed at 8 and woke up about 8 - and had a bigger breakfast than my girl allows. But I didn't have to hide my apple core, for there were no sharp envious eyes of a big blue-eyed boy.

    I hope my little girl is not too lonesome. Get your girl friends to go to the theatre and out to dinner and stay with you at night.

    It is a lovely day, but chillier than usual. Heavy frost was on the ground as we came into Savannah. My friend and guest, Dr. Burke, must have forgotten to let me know about meeting his train in Richmond. But I am glad, for I didn't want to be with anyone I knew. I have just wanted to rest and get away from people.

    Have been reading Grant. I will want to read his autobiography, so there is a hint for my Christmas present. When I get back, we will get that scooter for the big boy.

    Dr. Greene is going to meet me in Jacksonville. Will be there a few hours. I may not have such a good chance to write tomorrow. And remember as I go southward the time required for letters to reach you doubles. How is my boy behaving? If he is as good as he is smart, he will be a super boy, but I feel he has an inherited temper.

    I got my girl's message and I believe there is another coming soon. Of course, I mustn't peep. Hug my girl and boy even though he doesn't care for such signs of affection. I wish my little pal was along. But it won't always be as it is now.

    All my love and kisses,

    Walter x x x x x x

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