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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/01/1909

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    c. November or December 1909

    My Dear Son,

    …The meetings were very good and makes one realize that there is more important things to live for than the things of this life. The things of eternity, the future home of the Christian. Sometimes we are apt to forget in our busy life the One Who loved us even unto death.

    I have not seen any of B.'s since last letter I wrote to you. Polly wanted me to come and see her nice clothes. She said there wouldn't be even a piece of cake. She said Gornal wanted to know if it was going to be a dry wedding. When they were going away, Papa said I think Foraker a pretty fine young man. The mother said I don't. I believe they will live with the mother this winter. Polly said they could not get a house on the west part and they might go to boarding.

    I have my little heater going and it is fine and comfortable here. More so than we have ever been. If it is not warm enough upstairs, we will get a little oil stove.

    My neighbor sleeps up stairs. She is very clean. She washed this morning and scrubbed both porches all over. She is not afraid of a bit of work.

    I would like to see you in your new suit. I know you will look well in it. You wear it and look nice. Send us a piece of it. Papa says it is best to get tailor made and he believes he will get one. That will be a terrible change all at once, but it has not happened yet.…

    Your loving Mother

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