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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/22/1912

    89 Anson Street

    Barrow in Furness, England

    November 22, 1912

    My Dear Son,

    We got your bundle of papers a few days ago with results of election. Teddy did better then I expected. I think it indicates the people are looking for something different and along Socialist lines. Yet they seem to be reluctent to accept Socialist teaching in its entirety at least at the present. I have not heard the detaled results of the elections. I look for it tommorrow in the Appeal.…

    We have not made any decision about going to London. We wrote them for terms and they asked 16S./6D. per week for combined drawing room furnished, and all attendence of course. This means we purchase our own food. They will cook it, serve it, etc. It usualy cost us during our visits in the summer about 2 shillings per day for food, etc. and about 2/6 per night for room. We are all right here or any where but we begin to feel that we would like to live in awer own little castle. But don't let this bother you in the least. As we think we are better to stay here till you find out next year unless we come and board in Baltimore till you find out.…

    We have been going out nights a good deal to old Barrow to hear a Scotchman preach named Malcomb McKenney and he is fine but sad to say he is almost blind. He used to work in shipyard and got piece of iron in his eye. He went to doctor and the doctor was nursing the baby. Never washed his hands to treat him and poisened his eyes so he lost one. And has to use magnifying glass on the other. I feel satisfied my boy will not be guilty of anything like that from the teaching you have had at home by the little Boss and your hospital training.

    Well I hope you are getting in some good work and are perfectly satisfied with it. I somehow think you will be called on to assist the person who took Dr. Cushing's place if he gets some hard cases and seeing he don't like the work you may still have the opertunity to get it. If not I think you can do as well some place else after a little time.…

    Your affectionate Father

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