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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/16/1909

    1323 E. 5th St.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    March 16, 1909

    My Dear Boy,

    …I would like to inflate you with "hot air" for your accomplishment both with exams and professors, but Mama has beat me to it. I will just supress my feelings and give my place to her as she is feeling mighty fine over her boy's attainments.

    Besides I want to fool her as she said when I sat down to write now "for hot air" in reading your letter and statements that you were going to take it easy and not try for grades. I think it would be impossible for you to do it. It is against your nature. And you can't very well reverce yourself for ever since you were a little boy you always wanted to beat in games etc. You remember how you used to cry if I beat you in little games at home and while I think it would be wrong for you to hurt yourself by over study, etc, to accomplish supremacy I think a man is not much who has not some of this ambition about him, and show what he has in him.…

    Best wishes for best boy on Earth.

    Your affectionate Father

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