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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 05/14/1912

    27 Heath Street

    Goldborn, England

    May 14, 1912

    Well My Dear Boy,

    We just got your interesting letter about the millions you have chance to marry and will say that at the least we had good laugh over your bright prospects. And seriously I think you should consider carefully. I wish I was near to help you, as you know from experience that I am good in matrimonial selection. At least on one occasion. But would say that if you like her as good as any you know, don't let her millions interfere with your otherwise good judgment. This wealth at least would furnish you lots of pleasure in following your inclination in buying and selling securities which you can't expect to do for years if left to your own resources. Besides you might use it for good purposes whereas another might use it for bad. Will say that my sentiments are like the lady you mention. She might get her daughter more wealth by marrying some one rich but she could not well use more riches but ability is in demand. And this you possess. Therefore a powerful leverage for good. And of the two accomplishments I am satisfied you possess the best. And by uniting both, each are improved. However you have in all cases displayed good judgment and you will in this.

    Well you will see that we are with Mr. Seddon and are certainly enjoying it. This is a rather larger place than I had expected. They are doing good business and looking well. Looks better than they did in Sedalia but Grace don't look the same. Has got much thiner rather stooped, a fine worker and rather good cook. You aught to have seen her laugh the other day. I asked her if she remembered singing "Bob a link and magpie sigh." She said yes, and Walter under the table had to whistle. We have spent about 8 days here talking over old times and they don't want us to go yet.

    I went to a place called Atherton about 10 miles from here a few days ago to see a cousin of mine. I had not seen him for about 40 years. When I got to the house no one was in so I went to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Park knowing he worked on the section and got permission to walk on the track (which is not permited here) to see if I could find him. After going about a mile and half I came to the gang and I knew him as soon as I saw him. But he did not know me. He thought I was one of his cousins boys who lives at Parbold near Southport and who we are going to see. I am informed they are in good circumstances. They keep dairy etc, etc.…

    This is a very thickly settled country. Can see in all directions iron works, factories, coal mines, etc. And one town just runs into another. Railroads are like spider webs in all directions, usually 4 tracks, block signals, and in perfect condition. They have fast tracks and slow ones. The two on one side is fast and the other side is slow. What they mean by fast and slow is that the trains on one side are through trains and the other side are local.…

    You say the engrs. have submited to arbitration showing cold feet. You are right. The eastern men allways had cold feet. The Western men always complained about the weak knees policy of the Eastern men. Was for years. We could not get them to federate etc. Of course they may have the best judgment. Even if they are not as good fighters they may know that it is rather difficult job for a stomach to fight a fat pocket book and especialy if he has a wife and some children that he can't endure to see suffer. From experience I know in some measure the cares of home life and I have often stifled my convictions for you and Mama because your destiny was my highest ambition. Thank God I feel I have not been misdirected as at present I see nothing but a bright future ahead of both of you.…

    Your affectionate Father

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