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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/29/1914

    The Johns Hopkins Hospital

    Baltimore, Md.

    March 29, 1914

    Dear Mother and Father,

    Well, my week's time as resident is up. I was relieved 3 days ago. I had a wonderful week and think Dr. Halsted was quite pleased with my work. Everything went so smoothly, just as if Heuer were here. Dr. Halsted leaves tomorrow for Germany and will be gone a month. Then leaves again about June 1. I don't believe I will know anything much before he leaves June 1.

    I think you had better get your visiting over about that time so as to be ready to come back then, if things look favorable as I think they probably will. I heard the reason Heuer was being kept on so long was because Dr. Halsted did not want Dr. McClure to be resident. He does not like him and has been trying to disappoint him so he would quit rather than put him out. He is not a very heavy man and they do not seem enthusiastic about him. I heard the Dean of the Medical School told someone that they were trying to get him (McClure) out so he would not get the residency. That he was not a very good man. He said Dandy was an excellent man and just fitted in exactly and that I was slated for the residency and they expected to keep me for the full time jobs. Someone asked him about my scrape with Smith, the hospital superintendent, and he said that was all over and didn't amount to anything any more.

    There wasn't the slightest hitch while Heuer was away and I think it was a very opportune occasion for me and I think proved my mettle better than at any previous time. I was put to a task. Now don't tell all this gush. It is just for you.

    Heuer goes to Germany June 1st. McClure will be acting resident until he comes back and then I think he will quit and go over to Dr. Young's new building in Genito Urinary Surgery. I think I will then soon be resident; certainly it won't be more than another year from now. When the full time jobs come I think Heuer and I will be the two persons who may be kept, though that is such a far away possibility and so many changes occur that I hesitate to prophesy. As it may all work out the reverse.

    I think I will get more operating to do from now on, at least after June 1st. From now (McClure comes back from his vacation April 1) until Heuer goes June 1st I am going to try to get in a lot of experimental work and get out of as much operating work as possible, that is-assisting others. I am pretty sure I will get to do all the brain work when Heuer goes. Heuer and I are writing another paper on "Brain Surgery at Hopkins" or something to that effect. It will be Heuer and Dandy, but I am glad to be permitted to come in on it at all. He could easily take all the credit if he chose to do so. I feel more encouraged every day. The Professor thought my paper excellent but he did not have time to look at it closely. Dr. Howland is very much pleased. He is going over it very carefully, revising it as it were.

    Spring is still not quite here but it won't be long as it is getting warmer. I am wearing my new suit quite a lot as it is all I have. Am sending you a catalogue of the Summer courses in Surgery. You will see your boy's name again. It will mean about $150 perhaps more.

    Well, I think this is all at present.

    Your loving son, Walter

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