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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 08/19/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    August 19, 1913

    My Dear Son

    …It looks to me that if you could get a good position in Hopkins in 2 or 3 years, and one that pays well it would be rather riskey to start some place else and work up. On the other hand I don't see how you can expect to get brain work in Hopkins unless the present man resigns. Further I don't see how you figure 2 or 3 years before you get to be resident surgeon. If the others ahead of you have no place to be promoted to it looks to me uncertain but I don't know the rules. However I don't think it would hurt you to go and have a trip and look arround.

    I do not wish to increase your hate of Dr. Cushing's ways but it does certanly look small of him to use your work and never give you any credit for it. He must certainly have forgotten how when he was young in the business he would certainly at least expect to get what he was justly entitled to. I often think the medical men persue a wrong course by not being able to protect there work by patent rights. By this I mean if you discover something and publish it others can then do the work get the pay and all you get is glory of discovery but this fails to feed or clothe you and others live luxuarously on your labor. Therefore benefits don't go to the worthy. At least these are my ideas but I may be wrong.

    Well I think you have a good precedent now with Dr. Cushing. If he has published your work without giving you any credit, I would certainly not give him any more of your credit if I could justly refrain from doing so for he is certanly looking out for the lions share. And then at the expence of a young man struggling to make his destiny where his is all ready made. But perhaps he realizes that to remain still means stagnation and is therefore afraid of being surpassed by younger men. However you know all about these things best. Therefore persue your own course and you will come out on top. It is hard fighting but in the finish it makes you a better man providing you don't go out of your depth and get swampt.…

    Say is there some talk of Dr. Cushing comming back to Hopkins in place of Halsted as you seemed to think there might be in your last letter. Or is Dr. Halsted very old and likely to retire? Never mind if he does you will be qualified to go anywhere. Perhaps you will supplant him in Hopkins. If Dr. Halsted retires and Finney don't want it.…

    I should be happier than the king if I knew you were getting or rather able to enjoy good things to eat. But just as long as you work and study to hard you will not be able to do this. Anything is good if you have a good appetite and nothing if you haven't. So don't work too hard or care to much for anything or any body. Your father has less cares now than he ever had and enjoys life better.

    I spent yesterday afternoon with engineers on passenger trains as they came into St. Pancras Station and Euston Station. We are only about ¼ mile from them two stations.… I was on each engine a short time till they went out. They make from $12.50 to $18 per week and run about 1500 miles for it. And their engines are not half as comfortable as the old Katys but they have fine track. But all of them are more or less disgusted with their conditions, so you see doctors are not the only ones with troubles about their work, so if you are anyway down hearted cheer up. Your father used to have troubles or Rubicons before him but all got crossed in due time and so will yours. And you will come out triumphant.

    Your affectionate Father

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