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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 06/28/1926

    How many times I have wished she was enjoying this trip with me, as she so much deserves, but her precious little charge has deemed to make this impossible or at least for the present inadvisable. How unselfish and sacrificing his dear little mother has been, both to him and to his daddy. I hope he will always appreciate her. It's a curious paradox of life and life seems to be on paradoxical laws, that the more one gives, the more joy one receives. Mother's instincts more than all else, demonstrate this law.

    This is, I believe, my first letter to my boy. How often I have seen the little rascal in my mind's eye and surveyed his beginning signs of intellect from the great mysterious void. My little boy I see is a mental companion as he is, or is to be, with his mother's care and watching eye. How much he will have changed in two weeks. I almost wish to turn back to play with him and hug my little girl over and over. Never was there a truer sweeter little girl and surely never one who could fill every desire and placate every whim of a none too placid and compromising partner. I shall even hold those slides in reverence in addition to their intrinsic chautauquan merit, for my little girl's love is stamped indelibly on them all forever.

    Last night I slept 11 hours solid and with only a psychic head rub of my girl. The psychic 6 o'clock rise was inarticulate at this time. It was a fine cool night - under blankets. But again by paradox, the farther north, the hotter and it is now like the hot days of a year ago. The wheat is just turning golden, the cherries everywhere are full red. We are skirting the Mississippi. If my little boy sees this writing at some later time, he may mistake it for his mother's. Just tell him it's the jarring of the train. Kiss him as long as his tolerance will permit and his little mother until she goes to sleep and hug her all night.

    Bye bye little sweetheart and little rascal boy.


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