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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 09/22/1909

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    September 22, 1909

    My Dear Son,

    …Glad to hear of your safe arrival at Baltimore. We were very lonely after you went away but are getting over it. I'll soon be looking forward to the time when we shall hear such good news about you that it will make up for everything. Our greatest pleasure is in watching your progress as you very well know.

    We sent your trunk this morning. We thought it was better to send it before hearing from you, as your land lady had got back to Baltimore, and you would be able to have it taken to your room.…

    Let us know how your lunch tasted and if it was good. Let us know what they said about you, if they thought you had got very fat. Kind regards to your landlady.…

    Your loving Mother

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