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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 01/01/1914

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    January 1, 1914

    My Dear Boy,

    The good old Lusitania brought yours of December 23 in good shape and its contents looked very bright for you. The brightest boy with the brightest prospect for the comming bright New Year that is before you, and I trust their is not even a cloud during its circle to mar your peace. I feel you have earned at least one jubilee year when you can have rest at least in a great degree from the cares incident to your chosen life.

    Of course all the hard knocks you have been compelled to endure in order to advance and shine over your peers has just shown those qualities you possess. And I rather think now that at least one person, if not sorry for his attitude to you, is egotistically blind. Oh I would have liked to have heard you in Philadelphia. The obscure young David with his sling and stone against the mighty Goliath, Dr. Cushing and I fancy I see his face like Goliath did.

    You know I dreamt it was refered to a comittee and the comittee decided against you. Then you resolved to produce such evidence that they could not fail to see their error. And this brings more glory then ever to you.

    I think that Dr. C. will turn out to have been your greatest friend, but no thanks to him as he designed these attacks against you. I have been trying to figure the reason of Dr. Goetsch's remark said to have been made by Dr. Halsted to Dr. Cushing that you were the most valuable man on the staff. Why would Dr. Halsted use this remark if Dr. C. had not been trying to undermine you. I am anxiously looking for next letter to hear results but I fear I won't get them as it is on the day you write. But their is no fast boat this week so you may wait and be just as soon.

    Say you need not worry about Christmas present to us. As I think you could not have sent us anything better than you did when you sent your book the product of your own labor, except that it had been in English so I could have read it. But I thought lots of it just the same. But I presume I shall have to go to college (R.D.: I think he will) in order to keep up with my boy.

    I think your idea about sending Lena to college is good if you think enough about each other to contemplate matrimony. When you send your picture you should tell her if she thinks enough of it you would like her to spend some time in college showing your reason for it. She is smart and will soon learn. And I feel certain her parents would do it for her with pleasure. And it would put a better polish on her. Then she would not be embarrased in social life like I am. And she has youth, oppertunity, and ability on her side. Then I think you would make a good team. But again, I say this is for you not me to say.

    But if you don't like her or her you, better not marry for you will be together much and you had better be happy. And this you will be if you love each other even if you have more responsibilities. But if you don't want to get married when you get a good job, why don't let anyone influence you and tell her so to. But at least I think you owe her your picture when you get time. Besides we want it.

    You must be busy when you don't have time to go to Dr. Youngs for New Years dinner. Haven't you got good clothes? If not get them. I have lots of money to pay for them and desire to do it. I want my boy to look good as you are worthy of it and must have them.…

    Your affectionate Father

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