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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 10/01/1910

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    October, 1910

    My Dear Son,

    …Papa has just gone to make another trip tonight. He was pretty near ready for Baltimore. This morning he was not quite so sure about it. He said if these new engines were fine and he got on the Limited he might stay longer. I said all right just work as long as you want too and I'll work too. If I haven't worked long enough and you haven't worked long enough, just let us keep on working till you are satisfied. I said I am not going to beg and try and make you quit. You just go ahead and work as long as you want too. Then you will have plenty to leave behind you. He says I just want you to say you must quit, you can't work anymore. I said I won't do it. He changes so often that I get tired persuading him and I think the other way works better. Of course he has a good run and sometimes he thinks a pity to give it up. I don't want him to work on an engine this winter. He ought to have the rest and comfort he has earned.

    He was talking to Foraker on the street one day. He (Foraker) said not many would give up a good job like you have. Polly has not been around for some time and I have not been there. She does not care for us going there now. I don't think the mother will stop off at Baltimore. I am glad she will be home before we leave.…

    Well I got my new suit, a navy blue one. I think it will look very nice. Cost $21.53. Wasn't that a lot for a dress. Now I want a hat to match.

    How are you getting along with your research work. Is that dog still alive you operated on.

    Try and write to Robt Williamson as soon as you can. He will be very anxious for some word from you. He might not last long, so please write as soon as possible to him. I wrote to them as soon as I received their letter and told them I had sent the letter to you.

    Well the strike is still on.…

    Connie Doyle has been off sick. He was in the hospital. The doctors say he has kidney stones and an operation would mean death. Pa told him to write to you. I did not know there was such a thing as kidney stones.

    Your loving Mother

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