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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 08/16/1934

    Mrs. Malone brought me your letter last night as we were playing bridge. This morning I fried eggs and bacon!! and had a delicious cantaloupe. Your nice Helen didn’t call up until this morning, so I told her to come Monday as I may run out to Chicago tomorrow. At any rate, there isn’t anything for her to do until then. I can get along nicely, taking dinner at the club, etc.

    Last night I had dinner at Haslinger’s (soft shell crab). Had been to the Vet Bureau and it was raining hard. Thought it was a good opportunity to wait there until the rain stopped. Had the car washed and didn’t want it to get wet. As I was leaving, in came Leslie, he had just returned from a trip to N.Y. Had a nice trip home. Reached Suffolk N.Y about 30 miles beyond Bear Mt. Bridge and stopped as it was raining (nearly 400 miles). It was a nice trip through New Hampshire and Mass to Greenfield; then down the College highway retracing our steps. Passed the Simsburry house (Sapolio) and 3:20 PM. Had dinner at the Danbury in a dining car. Ham and Eggs!! Reached home at 1:15 PM. Everything in house was O.K. Spent the night with Mother. Haven’t gained a pound!

    I hope you are having a good time and that the little turbulence isn’t wearing you out. You should cut her adrift in the morning and pick her up at nighttime. Let Mary Ellen experiment on her some more. She just doesn’t conform to ordinary rules of the game.

    Your boy is O.K. He cut his foot with a hatchet, but it has healed. Called your mother. It has been raining all day. Yesterday, and the day before, had terrific storms toward evening. Nice and cool at night and not too hot during the day. Will try to get the kitchen painted (and pantry). Have a good time and stay as long as you wish. I miss you, but am happy when I know you are happy and well.

    With lots of love,

    Walter x x x x x x x

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