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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 01/24/1913

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    January 24, 1913

    My Dear Son,

    …[W]e are very buisy and very happy and contented. Perfect health. Lots to eat, to see and hear, with lovely climate and I think if we are not satisfied with above conditions we would be very hard to please and especialy when we have every reason to believe you are all right in every way.

    Well we have spent most of this week looking arround. We visited the British Museum one day and saw lots of interesting sights from all parts of the world. Ancient mummys, writeing implements, art, etc. As far back as…800 years B.C. Their was one case you would have enjoyed about the ancient doctors and sergeons tools, measures, etc. They had kind of ladles to give the patients there medicines with. In fact all the old tools looked very crude compaired with what I say you have in the dog house. In fact all or most all exhibits look crude compaired with the present.…

    We spent several afternoons and nights this week hearing the great American preacher Dr. Campbell Morgan haveing the meetings in the King's Hall and without doubt he is the best I ever heard. He is tall and thin. Reminds me much of Debs in appearence and I think in love and kindness and justice. He is very intelligent. He as spent the week on the Gospel according to John, mostly showing the wisdom and kindness of Christ. If he ever comes your way you would be well repaid for your trouble to hear him.…

    Your affectionate Father

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