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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 07/18/1928

    How is my royal family? Who watched over Mary Ellen in the tub to prevent her demise

    at the hands of the villain?

    We are coming into St. Louis and it is blazing hot, but I have been writing all morning on Tic Douloureux, sidetracking once more the textbook article which, however, I hope to attack savagely before I get home. I got the “good morning” wrapper around the razor and wondered if the big boy was having his morning shave, too.

    Last night I went to bed at 8 o’clock, but my mind kept whirling about a new instrument and it was still going along that line when we reached Pittsburgh at midnight. It doesn’t look as if “rainy days” have been so frequent as in Baltimore. I still think you would like to raise the big boy in the south of Chile where it rains every day.

    I have been counting the railroad hours and find that if something doesn’t cause delay in El Paso I may get back Monday noon. I don’t think it can get any hotter there than here. Leave St. Louis at 2 o’clock for Sedalia and Kansas City. I hope you and Margaret get along alright with the car.

    Kiss my big boy and my two little girls and hug them tight ‘til I return. Bye bye, Walter x x x x x x x

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