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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 10/03/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    October 3, 1913

    My Dear Boy,

    In dating this letter it reminds me that it will be 2 years tomorrow since we left New York. The time seems to be flying.

    Well we where very pleased to learn that you were enjoying your vacation on the ocean but the little Boss had considerable perplexing thoughts as to whether you got off it all right, but she eventually concluded the letter was mailed next day and it was not damaged or wet by being in the sea. So she concluded you where all right.

    It was certainly very nice of Dr. Bloodgood to take such good care of you, both in not letting you work on your article and paying your fare, etc. I am pleased some one looks after you in the absence of the little Boss.

    I think you will have to get a little girl of your own to look after you when you realize on your stocks. I see where they are climbing up very nicely. I did not notice them yesterday or today as we had company yesterday but I noticed the two previous days that they went up one point one day then next - so if they continue you will soon be even.

    Say I have mentioned that we have had company and you once told me that if I could find you an Irish girl as good as the little Boss to bring her back. Of course their is only one little Boss, but their is another fine little lady and Irish too and just as particular clean and neat, etc. like her, and of fine parantage. We visited her sister in Belfast and she is a model housekeeper and this one will be just as good and as smart as a tack. She is 23 and some what smaller than Mama, and in the market. Do you want her? Will I bring her back? Are you as game in this as on the stock market? Further she is a home girl. Just loves to cook and keep house etc. So don't tell me after this that your father never tryed to get you one. In fact I have somewat advised you on two, the millionaire girl and this.…

    Well I hope you have heard from your prize, got your other article finished and have a little recreation on easy street.…

    God bless you.

    Your affectionate Father

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