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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/25/1908

    1323 E. 5th St.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    November 25, 1908

    My Dear Boy,

    …Just received and read your short letter and will state that I excuse you for not writing long letters when you tell me you have other duties to perform and I think you should be lenient with me when I have to help Mama wash, etc.

    Well awer greavance committee has been before the company for the last 2 months. Had very stubborn times with them. Neither would concede anything. They finally consented to have the Labor Commissioners settle the disputed matters by arbitration. They meet about one week from now. The 4 orders were all in concerted movement to compel the company to live up to the agreement known as the Chicago Agreement which was made about 2 years ago. Our road withdrew from the General Managers Association and now doesn't want to live up to or be bound by that agreement. I look for favorable terms from Labor Commission.…

    Well if I have any say in the matter, your Christmas present will come as per your request. How would you like me to look for them for you instead of Mama? I don't think you would like them as well. Well I fooled her this time. She can't jack me up for I am writing first. She is busy making me some more overhauls. These are the last she is going to make me. I have to quit when they are done. But she got me some good material to make them. I guess she wants them to last a long time.

    You don't tell us how you felt when you where cutting the Negro's scull for tumor or the woman's finger.

    I was reading in the Worlds Work for Christmas about a fine operation in New York, taking blood out of father's leg into the dead child and restored life to the child. Also an interesting account on oysters. I don't think they will injure Mama and me much as we have not had any for years.…

    Take good care of yourself. Don't do more than your constitution will stand for regardless of the results and the honor that you might achieve from to close study. I like to hear of honors but I like my boy better.

    Your affectionate Father

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