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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 12/15/1912

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    c. December 15, 1912

    Well My Boy,

    We have at last reached the big city and are very comfortable. Had nice ride from Barrow to here. Left Barrow at 10 A.M., arrived here at 4:45 P.M. But the little Boss did not enjoy her ride so well. She don't like taring arround so much but she is all right now and well satisfied. We had walk yesterday arround Cheepside, etc., on our way to deposit our box that has all our poseessions in it.

    Well she likes looking arround the shops, that is those with dresses etc. in. If I want to move a little faster from them I meet with the usual rebuke, "What is your hurry?" "See this" etc.…

    I had a few hours chat with Matt Todds brother?in?law from Portland Oregon. He seems nice young man. He thinks their is no place like Portland.…

    We had nice time the other night reading some of the old letters of yours. Especialy those which you have done some good work and she says isn't he a fine boy.

    God bless you.

    Your affectionate Father

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