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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 06/18/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    June 18, 1913

    Well My Dear Boy,

    I presume you are troubled by the usual conditions at this season of the year but cheer up. There are many things in your favor this year that their was not last year. Last year you were looking for Hopkins. This year Hopkins is looking for you. I like to see it that way. And I feel satisfied that others will want you when they find you out. But they may want you for their good and of course you have to look out for your good. And here is where you will be sorly tried to know which is best. The imeadiate future may present more clouds to stop you from shinning but they will pass and like the sun you will yet be seen and admired. In fact when we consider your history, we see a very clear path upward without any back seat and I feel satisfied this will continue.

    I am pleased to think you are going to visit Minneapolis, Detroit and Chicago. It will do you good to have a trip even if you don't see anything you like. I was wondering why you did not ask Dr. Heuer if he intended to take general surgery. He asked you if you were going to stay. If he is not I don't see much show in Hopkins. However I don't like to influence you in any way. Anything you do is entirely satisfactory to me and if you prefer to stay in Hopkins without salary we have plenty for all of us. As we have saved over $2,000 since I quit work. And here let me say we get all we need and I want you to have the same. Now is the time you need things, something good to eat, etc, etc. And we are always glad to furnish you with what we have.

    I had wrote but not sent out an order for Porter to send you a check for $100 when we got your letter yesterday not to send you any. We don't like to go contrary to your orders but we would have liked to have paid your trip expenses as we feel we can't get you any presents here you would care for.

    It was very nice of Dr. Bloodgood to offer to loan you money. I think Dr. Halsted was much nicer than last year.

    Say you did not say if you went to Philadelphia to test your remedy on that child. If you left Hopkins could you not finish the uncompleted original work you are engaged in. If not I feel it would be a great sacrifice for you. However you know best about all these things.…

    Your affectionate Father

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